Rp. 76.000
Overview :
Within this fertile and diverse frontier region, local agricultural knowledge plays an important role in maintaining ecological balance and meeting the food needs of our communities. Without the variety of knowledge acquired from generation to generation, the natural wealth in this border area will not be able to develop properly. In this preface, we are pleased to present the local knowledge of frontier agriculture, a theme that introduces the beauty and wisdom embodied in agricultural practices and traditions passed down from generation to generation in the frontier. We aim to highlight the significance of this knowledge in preserving the environment and ensuring people's food security. Within the realm of local lore in frontier agriculture, you will discover farming methods adapted to the region's geographical, climatic, and soil conditions. You will be invited to explore time-tested planting techniques, the sustainable use of natural resources, and the wisdom of maintaining ecosystem balance. Through this theme, we hope to strengthen the relationship between local and modern knowledge in the realm of agriculture. We firmly believe that mutual respect and knowledge sharing are key to achieving sustainable and competitive agriculture at the frontier. By tapping into the local knowledge of frontier agriculture, we can understand the uniqueness of each region and build diverse and resilient agricultural systems. Through collaborative efforts and the integration of tradition and innovation, we will create a more sustainable and equitable agricultural future for all communities across the border. Enjoy delving into the wealth of local knowledge of border agriculture.